Quaker History
Quakers v. Puritans, Philadelphia Inquirer, Aug. 31, 1996
Quakers Shaped Philadelphia History, Philadelphia Inquirer, Jul. 3, 1997
American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia Daily News, Nov. 20, 2000
Quakers & Slavery, Philadelphia Inquirer, Jul. 6, 2009
Not All Quakers were Abolitionists, Philadelphia Inquirer, Sep. 23, 2013
Peace Testimony Alienated Friends in Wartime, Philadelphia Inquirer, Jul. 5, 2015
Save Montco’s Abolition Hall, Philadelphia Inquirer, Mar. 30, 2017
Quaker Ben Lay Deserves Statue, Philadelphia Daily News, Oct. 3, 2017
Quaker Education
Frankford Friends School, Philadelphia Inquirer, Jun. 26, 1991
Teaching Spirituality, Philadelphia Daily News, Feb. 13, 1996
Quaker Education Faces Challenges, Philadelphia Inquirer, Mar. 20, 1996
Teaching Diversity, Philadelphia Daily News, Dec. 18, 1997
Discipline is Not Un-Quakerly, Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 15, 2000
Remembering Earl Harrison, Daily Local, Nov. 14, 2003
Farley’s Dedicated Lives to FFS, Philadelphia Daily News, Jun. 6, 2005
Money Rules at Private Schools, Philadelphia Inquirer, Jun. 25, 2007
William Penn’s Educational Legacy, Philadelphia Inquirer, Mar. 4, 2014
Embarrassment to Quaker Education, Main Line Suburban Times, May 25, 2014
Friends Central Wrong to Cancel Speaker, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 15, 2017
AFS Celebrates 300 Years of Caring, Philadelphia Daily News, Jun. 9, 2019
Friends Schools Must Remain True to Mission, Philadelphia Inquirer